I am proud of:
- getting the remaining exams from the previous week graded early.
- keeping up with the online course again, doing the majority of the work early.
- giving the whole apartment a proper cleaning.
- refraining from playing Skyrim until I had proper time for it.
- clearing up a frustrating misunderstanding without getting too panicky over it (I borrowed my boyfriend's rational thinking a little bit to do so).
I enjoyed:
- getting $14 cute low-heeled pumps that fit (I have been looking for something like this for a year or more, so yay).
- putting 7 hours into Skyrim when I finally had a day to myself.
- time with family people.
- time off and time to myself.
- waking up without alarms for several days in a row.
I love:
- my boyfriend.
- Skyrimmmmmm.
- my wonderful kitty.
- Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry (for $2.50/12-pack :D)
- sleep.